If you have ever been to a rodeo you will have an idea of what Butch is talking about in this episode. Butch spent every day out on the range checking cattle, and sometimes things got a little western. He recounts a couple of those incidents in this episode.
Compared to what Butch describes, a rodeo is merely a fenced in version. Butch’s accounts are gritty and take place in an untamed wilderness. From a run-in with a tree on horseback while chasing a stray cow to a breakaway bull defying authority, Butch had a whole lot of luck that allowed him to at least hobble away.
Cowboys are truly a breed of their own. An even stronger and more authentic cowboy is bred, when their skills are put to the test out on the open range tending to cattle to make a living. Some say they are a dying breed, but as long as there is still beef in the grocery store, there is likely still a cowboy whose had things get a little western for him too.

John Ekdahl
Broker / Owner - John was raised on a cotton and cattle operation in the Community of Ericksdahl, which is located in the heart of central West Texas about 10 miles east of Stamford. This upbringing gives him a strong agricultural background, as well as the depth of knowledge necessary to help you with the operation of your farm or ranch. John graduated Stamford High School in 1988 and from there went on a somewhat circuitous route to ultimately receive a BBA in Finance from Texas A&M University in 1995. He began his real estate career in 1996 as a sales agent for Ekdahl Real Estate, a business founded by his dad in 1980. Over the years John helped to grow the business, adding several new agents, obtaining his broker’s license, and eventually took over Ekdahl Real Estate in 2007 when Ed decided to hang up his spurs and retire. John’s focus is quality, and he tries to live by the philosophy that we don’t sell property, we help sellers to market their properties, and help buyers to find their perfect property. By looking at it this way, he says it feels more like we are on a team with our clients than trying to push something on them. John is grateful for the support of his wife and two boys, as well as the outstanding team of professional agents that surround him.